Current lump sum amounts

Note: References to domestic partners, children and orphan child assume they are dependent on a worker who died and that a dependency claim was lodged on or after 5 April 2010.

Orphan child
Dependents Amounts Payable

1 orphan child

No partner

No child

$741,000 to an orphan child

More than 1 orphan child

No partner

No child

Equal shares of $741,000 to each orphan child

1 or more partners: no children
Dependents Amounts Payable

1 partner

No children

$741,000 to the partner

More than 1 partner

No children

Equal shares of $741,000 to each partner

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1 or more partner: 1 child
Dependents Amounts Payable

1 child

1 partner

More than 1 partner

$74,090 to the child

Balance to partner

Balance to partners in equal shares

1 or more partners: between 2 & 5 children
Dependents Amounts Payable

2 to 5 children

1 partner

$37,060 to each child

Balance of $741,000 to the partner

2 to 5 children

More than 1 partner

$37,060 to each child

Balance in equal shares to each partner

1 or more partners: 6 or more children
Dependents Amounts Payable

1 partner

6 or more children

$555,770 to the partner

Balance in equal shares to each child

More than 1 partner

6 or more children

An equal share of $555,770 to each partner

Balance in equal shares to each child

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Dependent child: no partner
Dependents Amounts Payable
No partner 1 child (not being an orphan)

The Magistrates’ Court or County Court determines a reasonable share for the dependent.

Up to a maximum of $741,000

No partner 2 or more children (not being an orphan)

The Magistrates’ Court or County Court determines a reasonable share for each dependent.

Up to a maximum of $741,000

Other dependent person: no partners or children
Dependents Amounts Payable
No partner and no children but other person/s are determined dependent.

The Magistrates’ Court or County Court determines a reasonable share for each dependent.

Up to a maximum of $741,000

Worker under 21 years: no partners or children
Dependents Amounts Payable

The deceased worker under 21 years and no domestic partner or children.

Immediately before the worker’s injury/death the worker contributes to maintenance of the family home or family members.

Family members are deemed dependents.

The Agent or the Magistrates’ Court or County Court determines a reasonable share for each dependent.

Up to a maximum of $741,000

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